SS3 Modding Tutorials

Forum zum Thema Modding, um dort über "Neue Einheiten", Neue Objekte", "Modding Tools" usw zu diskutieren.
Beiträge: 143
Registriert: 02.11.2009, 01:31

SS3 Modding Tutorials

Beitrag von Herr_today »

This will be a series of tutorials for those people wanting to make either new models for the current game, or convert to other periods, such as World War I, Korea, Vietnam and so forth. All of the programs needed are free to use, including the excellent 3d modelling tool, Blender.

I am currently re-learning how to mod Sudden Strike 3, so the series will be slow and methodical, as I break through each barrier. For the last two weeks I have figured out how to make a model in Blender and to get both a working ship and a working tank into the game. I will post the videos to show you things as we progress.

I will use this thread as a master thread, pointing to each tutorial as it progresses. Please, if anyone else has any modding advice or tutorials they can add, let me know. You never know, we just might resurrect this game.
Beiträge: 143
Registriert: 02.11.2009, 01:31

Re: SS3 Modding Tutorials

Beitrag von Herr_today »

Tutoral 1. Programs.viewtopic.php?f=84&t=10608&p=82311#p82311

This tutorial is a WIPz and will show you all of the programs you will need with links to tutorials in how to use each program and where to download them.
Beiträge: 143
Registriert: 02.11.2009, 01:31

Re: SS3 Modding Tutorials

Beitrag von Herr_today »

Tutorial 1: Part 1.

Setting up a generic tank model in Blender
Exporting with the correct settings
Setting up a basic model to use for scaling 3d models against
Getting the scale model into the game
Setting up the editor and game .ini files to be able to edit files with packing and unpacking the .pack files continually.
Tutorial 1 Tank.doc
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