Russian RWG mode

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Registriert: 16.12.2008, 10:49

Russian RWG mode

Beitrag von Inductor »


- I -

FMRM-team that has been bringing us exciting and realistic mods about Great Patriotic War and Second World War changed the name. Now we are calling RWG-team (Real War Games).
It happened because the mod's founder – Fox Mulder has already been working in other projects, creating his mods with FMRM brand and we do not want to stick to other's fame. The team kept good relations with the founder and is grateful to him for uniting us under one banner; we have always considered his consultative assistance and will do it in future.

- II -

On the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory we announce the release of new mod – RWG 1.0 (FMRM 3.0), powered by the Sudden Strike Resource War engine.
The main question – "What's new?" – is quite hard to reply. It's easier to tell what has left unchanged rather than to list all changes. Yet, we will try.

1. One of the main distinctive features of our mod (which many consider to be nearly a tactical Great Patriotic War/WW2 simulator) is interesting and high quality maps, both single- and multi-player. New and classical maps (adjusted to the last engine version), which proved themselves the best, will let a player enjoy the new, more realistic game balance. These are maps and mini-campaigns, based on real events and battles: Hasan and Halhin-Gol, operation «Barbarossa», battle of Moscow, Kharkov offence operation of spring 1942, defense of Sevastopol, battles for Caucasus, Stalingrad and Kursk. There are the mini campaigns about the war in Africa, Far East, and the missions about the war in the Pacific.
2. New units are available:
o Were designed more than 20 ground, air and naval units, both unique and common for all nations. To brighten up the game the following were included: civilians, pets, cars, etc.
o New officer is created – major. A player will be able to personalize himself with them during playing special campaigns and in those missions where one has to save the life of the main hero.
o The overall number of units in the mod (comparing to the original) has increased more than twice and now equals ~600. Along with well-known weapons of WW2 the rare specimens are available: those used by the Red Army in 1938-39 in the Far East, in 1940 in the Finnish War, those with which the Red Army entered the Great Patriotic War.
o In addition, we included the «exotic», single specimen units, which however are of great interest. These are: the German tanks «Panther II», the self-propelled heavy artillery mount «Karl», self-propelled AA emplacement «Coellian» and many more. There are missions where such rarities are the plotline, for instance in one of them the player has to find and destroy the secret extra-heavy tank «Maus».
o The set of equipment for France and Italy broadened. The work over the Finnish equipment is in progress. The number of units of these is not big but anyway allows creating full missions about known battles in Europe and Africa. Besides, in several multi-player maps the units of these nations assists the troops of main nations.
3. We have made another big step to the reality – tanks behave different on different ground. Wooden bridges and pontoon bridges will break under weight of extra-heavy tanks. In general, all objects behave more realistic – oil cisterns explode, bullets and splinters bounce off with the characteristic «metal» sound. Wooden buildings literally smash by logs and planks.
4. Another important thing, which crucially changes the gameplay, is adding more than 700 new sounds. They were taking partly from different sources, partly recorded. Now everything – armor, vehicles, weapon, explosions, and hits – is score for sound differently. You will hear strong language of a Russian soldier, "hurrah!" call, the groans of the wounded, screams of dying infantrymen, unhurried responses of medics... Heavy armor accelerating on turns gives the specific "snarling". Shells of long-range cannons give the characteristic howling. After certain time a player, like an experienced soldier, begins to distinct different small arms and cannons by hearing.
5. Material and technical planning of supplying offensive/defensive operations has acquired new level and has the decisive value because, unlike in the original version of the mod, supply vehicles and tank trucks do not restore their reserves. Therefore, the introduced stationary warehouses and gasoline storages (as well as ammo/spare parts crates and fuel barrels) have more meaning than previously.
6. An important aspect, which the development team tried to consider, first is the newbie friendliness – i.e. the detailed names of units. In the original units were described with indexes only, making it hard for people who aren't familiar with war history to understand the principles of correct use of units. The mod contains the description of every unit including types and armament, which significantly simplifies dealing with unfamiliar units and helps to make the most use of them even during the first experience.
7. The huge research work made, as the result the map editor has the built-in database on armament and materiel of WW2! That will allow creating historically reliable missions even for those who do not have encyclopedic knowledge on history.
8. First in its history along with the Russian version of the mod we have made the English one, plus the official map-pack for our foreign players. We created the outer language file, so our fans have the possibility to translate the mod into any language.
9. However, the most important is that the whole GAMEPLAY is totally changed!
1) Comparing to the original the view- and fire-distance, and accuracy totally remade; volley firing for automatic guns remade, its effectiveness in close combat increased; grenades thrown into enclosed space have more damage effect now. As the result – combats have become more dynamic.
2) The shell-armor correlation brought into accord with the strict, table, historically adjusted system of true armor millimeters and muzzle energy. There has left no place for personal tastes of the mod's authors. Therefore, no "shooting-gallery" situation is possible now.
3) Buildings' parameters remade. Unlike in the original, a multi-floored stone house gives much more protection from enemy's fire, and while being under bombing/artillery fire behaves quite different than, say, a wooden cabin.
4) Infantry's vitality and behavior changed – now the soldiers won't waste ammo and time on firing at a tank with a machine gun, they'll try to crawl up to it instead and try to throw an AT grenade.
5) In the new version of the mod the artillery is totally new – the gunners aim cannons at the targets fast in the arc of fire, which is determined by deflection of different types of cannons. If tanks break through the defense line the gun crew has to turn cannons manually and then open fire.
10. Explosion parameters changed. Heavy shells and bombs not only affect with explosions and splinters but also inflict significant moral damage.
11. Now morale plays a significant role. Except for propaganda vehicles and planes that drop leaflets, there have appeared some other methods, more efficient. Long lasting artillery cannonades and air bombing inflict real panic not only among civilians, but among your troops as well! You will know, therefore, why Wehrmacht in winter 1941 and the Red Army in summer 1942 created 'barrage squads'.
12. Parameters of trucks and tractors thoroughly reviewed – now they can transport cannons that do not exceed their draught force. Now a long-range cannon simply cannot be draughty by, say, a team-of-four.
13. AVIATION. What can we say? It is something! Everything (and even more) remade.
1) A bomber can make 3 raids and ... GET BACK to the airfield!
2) Finally, we have got rid of the old bug. After finishing a mission, fighters get back to the base by themselves, and not deplete their fuel and fall.
3) All planes have real flight time and range ability based on true performance characteristics.
4) Planes decrease speed when attacking ground targets. In the case of an air target they, however, accelerate.
Correlation real speed-game speed has different proportions. The reason of that – limited game space – otherwise a fighter has weak chances to intercept a bomber or transporter.
5) Bombers and fighter-bombers have standard bomb loads used in WW2, with bombs of the same type.
6) Bombs themselves have been change – their impact on units is complex and very close to reality. Any bomb destroys any tank in case of a direct hit. Heavy bombs destroy buildings and damage (with higher degree of randomness) neighboring buildings. The same is true about splinter influence and air-blast.
7) Bombing accuracy significantly decreased – for instance, the strategic bomber B-17 is now useless in tactical situation.
8) Fighters and attack planes have been changed the most:
A fighter will attack only planes in immediate vicinity to the patrol point; it won't behave like before – rush across all the map above AA guns to attack a small enemy's plane.
Ground attack planes will engage into air fight only if an enemy's plane enters the zone of attack. Among ground targets, it will choose the one it CAN destroy for sure.
All fighters, with rare exceptions, will use all armament they have. I.e. they will fire both from cannons and machine-guns at both ground and air targets.
9) Basic armament parameters are historically adjusted:
o Rate of fire parameters are form from separate factors. Therefore, the damage inflicted also differs: YaK-1 had 1x 20-mm ShVAK/800 rounds per minute + 2x 7.62-mm ShKAS/1800 rounds per minute; so only 18% of shells in its volley will be 20-mm, the rest – 7.62-mm, with the appropriate damage action.
o Accuracy depends on where the weapon is – motor cannon, synchronous or wing weapon.
o Anchor points of flashes are place exactly where they were on gliders and wings.
o Ammunition is now equal both for ground and air targets and has the real size. Thus, it makes it harder for a battle plane to engage in air fight after attacking a ground target.
o The weak-point factor introduced. So there is a small probability to bring down an aircraft with one accurate shot.
o For the sake of playability, the damage factor of all aircraft weapons has been decrease. Otherwise, battle planes would pull down everything on the ground.
10) Fuel tank capacity changed to real values.
11) Although we cannot force pilots to catapult from a plane on fire, they are not kamikaze! A hit plane does have chances to get back to the airfield. Because:
o To hit a plane is not a piece of cake anymore, the angle of firing has more meaning now, as well as the target's velocity.
o Air fights have become lengthier, but is not endless of course. If your pilot has the enemy aircraft on his tale, most likely the game is over for him. However, not necessary, because you may literally 'lard' the enemy with your ammo and he will quit; or you may prang him with one volley at the shortest distance. Numerous tests show unpredictableness both air fights and attacking ground targets, all that depends on many unexpected factors. «A la guerre comme a la guerre».
14. Anti-aircraft.
1) To hit a plane has become harder. Nevertheless, in case of being hit or a close explosion of a large-caliber (75-90 mm) shell any plane will surely crash down; in case of a medium caliber (37-40 mm) shell – nearly every light plane is almost doomed. The main damage factor is splinters, and one must not underestimate it, they can easily kill a pilot.
2) Small-caliber AA machine guns (M3A – 13-20 mm) inflict damage only after direct hit, but they have high rate of fire and high probability of critical damage. So, for example, even FW-189 will not be able to 'hang' over an object too long, if that object is covered by one quad AA gun M16.
In a word, AA artillery is not the final authority anymore; the air command is now the job of fighters. However, AA artillery CAN significantly decrease enemy's aircraft effectively.

Probably, the mod as it is now is far from being perfect, but generally, it already works, though having inherent weak spots (as any innovation does), which, we hope, will be remove successfully.

During out work we used achievements of other modders. That was doing only when we could not create an analog in a short space of time. By no means we want to appropriate the authorship, and we heartily thank all who scored Il-2", "Asian Firestorm", "Gulf War" and other games, mods APRM, LRM, SSNM, RWM; who created schemes, units, and other recourses for them. We also cannot but mention all who freely shared their experience with us, which helped to make the mod as you see it now.
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 16.12.2008, 10:49

Beitrag von Inductor »

Anybody play RWG multiplayer? Now we have a RWG community Russia-Ukraine-Byelorussia. We play RWG every day. Are you interested to play with us?
Last Soldier
Beiträge: 346
Registriert: 20.07.2007, 20:05

Beitrag von Last Soldier »

How much players community have ?
Footage from the frontline on Youtube!
Beiträge: 893
Registriert: 12.03.2007, 16:16
Wohnort: Im Cockpit einer Ar 234

Beitrag von |FrEaK|Safran »

Where can I find the download?
Nix Signatur, wir haben Weltwirtschaftskrise, da wird an ALLEM gespart, egal wie unsinnig es auch ist ;P
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 16.12.2008, 10:49

Beitrag von Inductor »

Last Soldier hat geschrieben:How much players community have ?
We have 40-50 fighters. Its normally for us to play 4vs4, 5vs5, 6vs6. Its interesting to play with other players (not from former Soviet Union).
We use hamachi for playing. The room is INDENG RWG password 1234 if someone will want to discuss.
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 16.12.2008, 10:49

Beitrag von Inductor »

Beiträge: 893
Registriert: 12.03.2007, 16:16
Wohnort: Im Cockpit einer Ar 234

Beitrag von |FrEaK|Safran »

Download and play.
Nice! Thanks a lot, I'll give it a try :D
Nix Signatur, wir haben Weltwirtschaftskrise, da wird an ALLEM gespart, egal wie unsinnig es auch ist ;P
Beiträge: 84
Registriert: 01.05.2007, 23:10

Beitrag von Suka »

hey how big are ranges in your mod compared to rwm, for tanks how far from monitor edge and with what resolutions?
would be great if you can post some pics :)
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 16.12.2008, 10:49

Beitrag von Inductor »

Suka hat geschrieben:hey how big are ranges in your mod compared to rwm, for tanks how far from monitor edge and with what resolutions?
would be great if you can post some pics :)
It has very many diffrences. Here is main:
1) sector view of tanks
2) you cant see soldiers in houses on minimap
3) crew leave tanks after its death
4) infantry became very strong and more usefull
5) tanks and artilery may miss. Its important because if your tank i driving there is less oportunity to destroy it.
6) Avia units became more powerfull
7) Balance is much more realistic
8) howitzer' shell flies a long time
9) Many new units. For example smoke shells, kamikadze etc
10) New cool sounds
11) Its very interesting for multiplayer
2323.JPG (127.37 KiB) 26836 mal betrachtet
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Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 16.12.2008, 10:49

Beitrag von Inductor »

some else
New.jpg (202.38 KiB) 26807 mal betrachtet
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Beiträge: 84
Registriert: 01.05.2007, 23:10

Beitrag von Suka »

THX is there a way to dl this krasavec all in one package
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 16.12.2008, 10:49

Beitrag von Inductor »

Suka hat geschrieben:THX is there a way to dl this krasavec all in one package
Do you want one archive? I can make it.
Oberst (Moderator)
Oberst (Moderator)
Beiträge: 507
Registriert: 23.03.2007, 20:43

Beitrag von Zocker »

der download is ja ne zumutung!!! 100kb pro sec :shock: .. und als wenn das nicht genug ist darf man zur belohnung noch 50min warten bis man das nächste file ziehen darf^^... da fällt ma echt nix mehr ein :evil:

Gruß Zocker
Beiträge: 84
Registriert: 01.05.2007, 23:10

Beitrag von Suka »

really? doitdoit tavarish inductor :P
Beiträge: 84
Registriert: 01.05.2007, 23:10

Beitrag von Suka »


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