Wesel counter attack (512^2)

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Beiträge: 646
Registriert: 20.05.2005, 13:19

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von Ente »


mittlerweile stehe ich kurz vor der Brücke und finde die Mission bis jetzt recht ansprechend.

Allerdings hat die Karte wenig Erhebungen, wie ich finde...
Der stetige Artilleriebeschuss in der Fläche nervt demzufolge etwas. Aber vielleicht hört das später auf...?

Die Einheitenauswahl gefällt mir sehr gut, allerdings finde ich den Deutschen für die letzte Phase des Krieges recht gut bestückt. Da will bei mir nicht so richtig Atmosphäre aufkommen.

Die Gegenangriffe sind häufig, aber nur von vereinzelten Panzern durchgeführt. Das nervt etwas und ich finde es nicht realistisch. Die Sherman-Panzer sollten nur in gehäufter Zahl auftreten.

Mal sehen, wie es weiter geht.

Gruß Ente
Beiträge: 729
Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »

Hallo Ente,

Thanks for your comments.

About the units:
The armoured forced consist mainly of stugs and hetzers.. some japdpanzer and a few tanks (mostly pz4). Making is realistic would require removing all but a few hetzers and light armour, leaving virtually nothing for the player to play with.

About the lone tanks:
i find it extremely difficult to coordinate synchronous movement of combined forces (i.e groups composed of units with varying speeds), especially over long distances (e.g from side to side on a 512^2 map). I've implemented a script that has tanks move back and forth so they effectively travel at the same pace as infantry, but it is my experience that such scripts arent very consistent in that tanks sometimes seem to skip these 'turn around' events and in stead continue to move forward for 2 consecutive 'intervals' before changing direction. So say.. tanks are instructed to mve forward for 2 seconds and then turn around and move in the opposite direcion for 1 sec, this does not result in all tanks consistently adhering to this pattern. the result is that some tanks will move ahead or fall behind. I dont understand why this happens...
Beiträge: 646
Registriert: 20.05.2005, 13:19

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von Ente »

Hallo Nevux,

mir geht es nicht um die Auwahl oder die Menge der Einheiten.
Es ist lediglich so, dass ich keinerlei Atmosphäre verspüre, mich in der Endphase eines Weltkrieges zu befinden, wo die Deutschen nicht nur am Boden liegen, sondern sie sich sprichwörtlich noch nicht einmal mehr bewegen können.

Es wirkt auf mich eher so wie nach dem Frankreichfeldzug, wo man aus dem Vollen schöpfen konnte.

Vorschläge (nur meine eigene bescheidene Meinung):
Teile der Streitkräfte treffen erst verspätet ein (wo sollen die tagsüber auch herkommen, der Gegner hat absolute Lufthoheit).
Wenn die Soldaten/Panzer dann eintreffen, sind sie nicht vollständig (Einheiten fehlen, sind beschädigt, haben kaum noch Benzin, Soldaten sind verletzt usw.).

Teilweise haben die Einheiten sehr hohe Erfahrungswerte. Wenn du es realistischer gestalten möchtest, halte ich etwas weniger Erfahrung für besser. Falls es dir hingegen um eine gewisse Treffergenauigkeit geht, lass es so, wie es ist.

Gruß Ente
Beiträge: 65
Registriert: 28.12.2008, 14:54

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von RT »

Hello Nevux....

Thank you for your map. Nice work! So far I have defended the main base and have destroyed the first bridge. I have sufficient armor ( 2 panthers, 3 Tigers and some Stugs. However, I am very low on ammo. I have a lot of fuel supplies.

I have some questions:

What are the objectives after destroying the three bridges? Clear the map of enemy?

Will I receive more ammo? How and when doI receive ammo?

Will I receive air support?

What should happen when I take the "command post" (activating spy) west of home base? Nothing happens when I select a circle.

Thanks, good work and it is appreciated.

Beiträge: 729
Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »


Please do realize the map is still in a very early stage of development and therefore leaves a lot to be desired.
Further instructions will follow after successful demolition of all three bridges in the east.
Given that the map portrays a very late-war scenario, ammo supplies are limited. Capping the service station/supply depot will deliver a substantial amount of supplies however.
Air support is available but only to a very limited extent. Capping the airfield will provide aircraft of the selected type.

The command post thing was bit of an experiment. After tinkering a bit with scripts I disovered that it is possible to generate ''enemy'' units that share field of view with the player.. these 'spies' are not directly controllable to the player but can be directed to different locations by script (occupying a specific 'circle' sets the AI location for the spy unit to the specified location on the map, causing the unit to relocate to the said zone lifting the fog of war there.
Like with the reinforcement issue described above, the engines response to this script is rather inconsistent and the spy will sometimes refuse to follow directions as implemented per script. It sucks.. nice idea (I think) but apparently not –reliably- compatible with the engine.

Beiträge: 646
Registriert: 20.05.2005, 13:19

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von Ente »

Hallo Nevux,

leider kenne ich mich mit dem Editor nicht aus, aber ist es nicht möglich, ein Tor so aufzustellen, dass es sich näher an der Stellung des Spielers befindet?

Ich empfinde es als recht nervig, dass der Gegner (Amerikaner) immer wieder mit einzelnen Soldaten oder einzelnen Panzern angreift. Das ist weder realistisch noch hilft es mir beim Spielspaß, da ich innerhalb meiner eigenen Angriffe immer wieder auf andere Schauplätze wechseln muss.

Warum sollten ein, zwei Shermans mit Unterstützung von zwei oder drei Soldaten eine feindliche Stellung angreifen und das immer wieder?
Meines Erachtens sollte es zwei, drei knackige Angriffe mit Masse an Soldaten und Panzern geben, dann ist Ruhe (siehe z. B. den Beginn der Karte Wolchow Delta).

Das Artilleriefeuer ist sehr heftig, da die Sichtweiten der eigenen Panzer im Vergleich zu gegnerischer Infanterie sehr gering sind. Da der Deutsche kaum Offiziere geschweige denn Aufklärungseinheiten besitzt, ist es schwer vorwärts zu kommen, da mir immer wieder Einheiten zerschossen werden. Ist das so gewollt?

Gruß Ente
Beiträge: 512
Registriert: 03.03.2007, 22:33
Wohnort: Australien

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von Matttheoz »

nevux hat geschrieben:About the lone tanks:
i find it extremely difficult to coordinate synchronous movement of combined forces (i.e groups composed of units with varying speeds), especially over long distances (e.g from side to side on a 512^2 map). I've implemented a script that has tanks move back and forth so they effectively travel at the same pace as infantry, but it is my experience that such scripts arent very consistent in that tanks sometimes seem to skip these 'turn around' events and in stead continue to move forward for 2 consecutive 'intervals' before changing direction. So say.. tanks are instructed to mve forward for 2 seconds and then turn around and move in the opposite direcion for 1 sec, this does not result in all tanks consistently adhering to this pattern. the result is that some tanks will move ahead or fall behind. I dont understand why this happens...
Nevux, set your tanks to follow unit and assign them the infantry group to follow. So, say the tanks are grp A1 and the infantry are grp A2, set the inf to attack zone x and for the tanks:

Set AI grp A1 behaviour to gruppe folgen
Set AI grp 1 of grp A1 to A2
Set AI grp 2 of grp A1 to A2
Ich hasse nichts mehr als panzer, die in der Gegend herumstehen. Panzer müssen rollen! - Der Panzergraf, Graf von Strachwitz
Beiträge: 729
Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »

So easy... why didn't i think of this myself...

thanks a bunch!
Beiträge: 512
Registriert: 03.03.2007, 22:33
Wohnort: Australien

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von Matttheoz »

:) its probably the best yet simplest script for the AI. You can also use it to make scout cars keep pace with tanks or make groups of infantry move at the pace of their slowest member -eg- anti-tank rifelemen or mortars so the inf are always within range of their heavy weapons
Ich hasse nichts mehr als panzer, die in der Gegend herumstehen. Panzer müssen rollen! - Der Panzergraf, Graf von Strachwitz
Hanz 23
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 08.12.2012, 13:39

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von Hanz 23 »

Hi, Nivux!

Thats a great map, but I wonder what happens after you destroy the three bridges in the north. After that, nothing happens anymore, apart from continuing attacks at the three bridges. You mentioned, that there would be new objectives, but nothing came.

I'm also a bit worried about your comment:
nevux hat geschrieben:Please do realize the map is still in a very early stage of development and therefore leaves a lot to be desired.
What does that mean? Are there just some clitches and bugs to fix, or is the map not fully playable yet? I thought because it was included in the RWM 8.0 download, that these missions/maps are already tested and fully playable. No offense, otherwise its a great map (though like already mentioned, the constant attacks and artillery fire is annoying)
Beiträge: 729
Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »

Meh? It's included in the 8.0 download? I wasnt aware of this...
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: 08.06.2012, 15:31

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von thomz »

I'm a big fan of your maps Nevux... But this one, too, is way too hard to win... How can you defend the whole frontline against constant allies' offensives with so limited supply, petrol and armour?
Beiträge: 169
Registriert: 04.11.2012, 13:40

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von Viking »

Really a nice smooth map, once you have the service depot your surviving chances are indeed much higher
I'm strugling wiht autodestruct ennemy guns, i hope its coded that way and not a bug
DWD, DH, DR, Br@vo bin somit nicht so jung mehr...
Beiträge: 729
Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »

Thanks for the feedback!

Yes.. the demolition of guns is scripted. Many of them have unlimited ammo. Ammo is intended as a major strategic component of the game.. being short in supply at the start, forcing the player to invest in capturing enemy supply depots. If each and every gun would have its own crate this would amount to a significant supply in itself.

A huge update of operation Landsknecht is in progress btw. I've made a ton of changes in the map and script that I hope will the game a bit more atmospheric and interesting.
Zuletzt geändert von nevux am 24.10.2013, 02:00, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 729
Registriert: 31.05.2008, 16:02
Wohnort: Eindhoven

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Beitrag von nevux »

Hi guys,

I'm in need of a little help here to understand a strange problem I'm struggling with in building this mission.

For some reason that is totally beyond me some units of the enemy are being tranferred from 'enemy' to either 'ally' or another undefined state. They now appear to show as WHITE dots on the map whereas this color was not assigned to any of the teams. Because the dots are quite small on a 512 map i cannot say with 100% certainty that the arent yellow but im almost sure they are white like crates/fuel drums etc. This event also seems to reset their group behaviour as some of the -now ally- tanks detach from their group and consistently move to another location that is always the same (yet apparently totally random). The strange thing is that it seems to happen at random in that it does not seem to be triggered by a certain event of the game.

I'm not sure if my description is intelligible at all..I'm sort of hoping for a reply from someone that experienced the same thing and managed to resolve it.

Intuitively -without have any evidence to support it- I feel that it may be linked to the number of units on the map. Could an 'overload' of units damage the integrity of the script?

What is probably the weirdest off all odd things happening (and quiet cool frankly) is that the tranferred TANKS but not infantry (strangely enough) share their field of view with the player without being hostile towards the enemy or attracting hostility! They act as allies in that you see what they see, yet they are still 'enemy' in terms of allegiance.

Also -on a last note- the transferred units seem to 'contaminate' other units as they move across the map. They are part of a group that patrols the map and hits 5 or zones on a tour around the map...converting units in these zones shorly after their arrival.


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