Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Forum für die neue RWM Version von Tijn / Community.
Last Soldier
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Registriert: 20.07.2007, 20:05

Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von Last Soldier »

Flamethrowers - they seem to kill everyone inside the tank immediately witch is unrealistic
mortars should kill tank crew of the M18 nashorn wespe hummel and SU76 easier because they have no roof
Fixing this stuff is related to knowledge about damage system which is in RWM tweaked/hacked somehow. Barbarossa is no longer active and there is nobody else who knowns how it works. For example you can kill Nashorn crew with grenades but only if it's turned from behind.
I believe that in sudden strike 2 houses were balanced perfectly
I'm not sure, indestructible infantry in buildings is part of original game. Just whole army shooting 5 minutes into 1 building and can't kill anything.. military9 It never worked well although modders have tried to eliminate it for years. In case of trenches it's endless story.

The rest of things are more or less related to game engine.
Footage from the frontline on Youtube!
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Registriert: 06.01.2015, 22:00
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Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von zarathustra »

This is such a spam-bot, particularly aggressive version :D

Приумножая познания, приумножаешь и скорбь
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Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von Gareth »

@Rafshan: This thread is about RWM 8.0. I don't see how your posts are related to this topic. As your mod is for Sudden Strike Forever and RWM8 is for SSRW this is not the right place to post about your mod. Your models are quite nice though.
Free Ukraine from russian aggression!
Last Soldier
Beiträge: 346
Registriert: 20.07.2007, 20:05

Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von Last Soldier »

Rafshan good, only Ded moroz is missing :)
Footage from the frontline on Youtube!
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: 15.02.2010, 14:13

Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von hws85 »

The game crashes when you put 10 men into "killercampers office" on North-Africa-Scheme ... why??? I can not believe ...
I thought this bug was well known and I also thought it´s fixed now, but I was wrong.
Further there is an very old version of my campaign in the game, it would be nice if someone can remove it. Thanks.
Zuletzt geändert von hws85 am 14.05.2020, 19:44, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: 15.02.2010, 14:13

Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von hws85 »

The new objects and units like the italian supply-trucks are an enrichment for this game. I also like the new model for the Tiger and Panzer IV F2 in North-Africa-Scheme, great work for so far.
*S-S-M* - Chef
*S-S-M* - Chef
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Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von Ingwio »

Warum willste die Kampagne raushaben ? Nur weil die alt ist ?
Geschichte ist die Lüge, auf die man sich geeinigt hat.
Napoleon I. Bonaparte

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Registriert: 15.02.2010, 14:13

Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von hws85 »

Genau, das ist eigentlich der einzige Grund, ansonsten freue ich mich natürlich darüber. Bei der alten Version, die da noch drinnen ist, hatte ich gleich am Anfang den Panzer III J noch drin, den ich in späteren Versionen entfernt habe, da ich mittlerweile glaube, dass der zu Beginn des Afrikafeldzuges noch nicht mit dabei war. Somit könnte man also mit Hilfe der alten Version am Anfang cheaten. Außerdem finde ich, dass die neuen Fahrzeuge, insbesondere die italienischen LKWs und Versorger definitiv mit reingehören. Ich wollte mich eigentlich sogar gerade daran machen, die Kampagne diesbezüglich nochmal upzudaten, aber das mit dem Bug erschreckt mich jetzt ein bischen, vielleicht warte ich doch noch ab. Man weiß ja auch nie, ob nochmal ein bugfix kommt und wie lange das dauern wird.
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: 15.02.2010, 14:13

Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von hws85 »

Another request by me: Please release a new mod-version v4.2 if there really is a bugfix available soon. I think a separate file for bugfix only causes chaos :wink:
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Registriert: 09.03.2006, 16:40
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Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von uwe72dd »


da mein englisch nicht so gut ist, ne Frage in die Runde.

Ist das jetzt schon eine fertige Version, oder seit Ihr noch am erstellen??
Suche Infos zur Beobachtungsabteilung 15 und Füsilierbattailon der 253. ID

Gruß Uwe
Last Soldier
Beiträge: 346
Registriert: 20.07.2007, 20:05

Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von Last Soldier »

@uwe: Ja v4.1 ist fertig.

@hws85: This desert house bug was unknown to me. I don't want to re-release the whole thing because of this (I moved all sust stuff to archive already). If someone continue in the development, perhaps they will fix it.
Footage from the frontline on Youtube!
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 04.06.2020, 16:09

Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von AcidJazz »

Hi there, not sure if this is the right place where to ask..but, I just tried this version of RWM, although it has great potential I think something is still out of balance :)
As an example, how do you deal with the trenches? Are they not overpowered?
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 08.06.2020, 15:52

Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von Isolat »

Hello all ! I am an old player who'd like to play multiplayer new version of RWM 8.0 v4.1 final . Where can I find players online please ? many thanks
Tank Commander
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Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von Tank Commander »

Rafshan hat geschrieben: 13.05.2020, 14:57 Trophy ISU-122 military12
Blakeswort hat geschrieben: 13.05.2020, 20:29 Did you still modding on *the best suddenstrike mode ever made* ?

Your last official version was very disappointing :?
zarathustra hat geschrieben: 13.05.2020, 21:08 This is such a spam-bot, particularly aggressive version :D

MEOW! :lol: :D
Beiträge: 97
Registriert: 05.09.2015, 14:46

Re: Infos RWM 8.0 Version 4.xx

Beitrag von mayor02 »

hws85 hat geschrieben: 14.05.2020, 19:25 The game crashes when you put 10 men into "killercampers office" on North-Africa-Scheme ... why??? I can not believe ...
I thought this bug was well known and I also thought it´s fixed now, but I was wrong.
Further there is an very old version of my campaign in the game, it would be nice if someone can remove it. Thanks.
can you make picture of this building or give some more details? i can find this building
"Make mod,play game but no war".
MaYor 8)

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