Die Suche ergab 65 Treffer

von RT
06.12.2012, 17:40
Forum: Map-Testbereich / Map-Test-Area (RWM Maps)
Thema: (RWM 6.8) Wolchow Delta
Antworten: 103
Zugriffe: 85304

Re: (RWM 6.8) Wolchow Delta


You have spy planes and attack planes. Find and destroy artillery a possibility? Destroy the AA gun a possibility? Keep trying, You will find a solution :D

von RT
05.12.2012, 11:45
Forum: Map-Testbereich / Map-Test-Area (RWM Maps)
Thema: (RWM 6.8) Wolchow Delta
Antworten: 103
Zugriffe: 85304

Re: (RWM 6.8) Wolchow Delta

Re: Landing the paratroopers at the ammo depot. If the paratroopers are not landing correctly Replay the game at a point "prior" to the launch of the aircraft going to the landing zone. You may have to replay several times for the paratroopers to land correctly. If you replay from a save a...
von RT
28.11.2012, 02:20
Forum: Map-Testbereich / Map-Test-Area (RWM Maps)
Thema: Nordafrika-Kampagne für RWM 8.0
Antworten: 259
Zugriffe: 138993

Re: Nordafrika-Kampagne für RWM 8.0

Hi hws85... Thanks for the help in English. I finally figured it out, though, by trial and error. :wink: . Question: Is the first selection of units for the entire campaign or only for the first map/mission? If the first selection is for the entire campaign, can you make a recommendation of units? W...
von RT
27.11.2012, 19:12
Forum: Map-Testbereich / Map-Test-Area (RWM Maps)
Thema: Nordafrika-Kampagne für RWM 8.0
Antworten: 259
Zugriffe: 138993

Re: Nordafrika-Kampagne für RWM 8.0

Can someone tell me - in English - the procedure to follow after selecting the initial units? I have selected the units and don't know how to get to the first mission (map).


von RT
26.11.2012, 02:09
Forum: Map-Testbereich / Map-Test-Area (RWM Maps)
Thema: Wesel counter attack (512^2)
Antworten: 141
Zugriffe: 100464

Re: Unternehmen Landsknecht (512^2)

Hello Nevux.... Thank you for your map. Nice work! So far I have defended the main base and have destroyed the first bridge. I have sufficient armor ( 2 panthers, 3 Tigers and some Stugs. However, I am very low on ammo. I have a lot of fuel supplies. I have some questions: What are the objectives af...

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