Panzer Strike

Now SS remake it's really close to completion! For now game engine supports everything except aviation and trains. I'm going to release it as a separate game and it's in active development now. Igor one of the RWG & FMRM authors and author of SuSt_Graph tools.
Release Date 2025 (Steam)

Moderator: KosyaK

Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 25.03.2009, 17:15

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von KosyaK »

Comrade Kimo hat geschrieben: 31.12.2024, 20:40 I 100% agree with this, having a new game based on Sudden Strike is absolutely great, especially if it's inspired from Sudden Strike. But at the same time, I wish to see a newer version of normal Sudden Strike where it fixes, adds and improves all original stuff, such as allowing for bigger scaled maps up to 1024x1024 and more, for endless tactical possibilities and multiple scenarios, bug fixes for the old Fireglow engine is for sure needed.
Yes, we try to make the same vibe but improve the game technically and improve certain mechanics
Comrade Kimo hat geschrieben: 31.12.2024, 20:40 As well as some nice new additions, for example something that I wanted to be included in the original game is CO-OP mode in multiplayer, where you can design a map and script the AI to fight against human players. And the players (can be up to 2,3,...) got a specific task depending on the mission (defend till last man, capture position, clear map from enemy,.....) and it goes on. Why not fix the airport issue in the game engine where you cannot fly planes mid air without them refusing to land, or try giving trains more importance, such as the ability to transport heavy vehicles across the front faster (just like @Tijn mentioned).
I think there is a lot of potential in coop gameplay, even more than in just multiplayer
We will definitely work on it after completing the base for the game
Comrade Kimo hat geschrieben: 31.12.2024, 20:40 I believe that we are getting closer to that point with the Sudden Strike HD finally released,
I hope we can see something like this happening in the future, but for now, I wish this project can rise and achieve best success, good luck gentlemen!!!
Beiträge: 125
Registriert: 08.11.2010, 19:19
Wohnort: Berlin (West)

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von Kongo-Müller »

I haven't seen the tech demo yet but will look at it next weekend. The Screenshots look awesome.

I have played SS1 since it was released many days online. All versions, clones and derivatives as well. Nothing ever came close to it.

You are doing everything right if you get to clone SS2 or SSRW and
- Add bigger maps

That'd be a reason for me to buy it and pay a lot of money, too.

What I disliked with BK and other follow ups:
They thought 3D GFX and EFX compensate for bad gameplay. They never got the the right scale. SS3 trie but was a disaster imho, SS lived off its community providing maps. So a good editor is crucial.

Get the basics right and don't try to squeeze in too much functionality.

One killder feature for me in online games would be a budget system. In SS your load out aka army was defined by the mapper. Very few maps (only one?) let you chose by trigger which type of reinforcements you got. That was a little variation. Else you knew if you killed the one General or KT that there was none left. If I have a budget and can pick from a pool of units my army is unique and less predictable.
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 25.03.2009, 17:15

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von KosyaK »

Kongo-Müller hat geschrieben: 13.01.2025, 10:45 I haven't seen the tech demo yet but will look at it next weekend. The Screenshots look awesome.
Kongo-Müller hat geschrieben: 13.01.2025, 10:45 You are doing everything right if you get to clone SS2 or SSRW and
- Add bigger maps

That'd be a reason for me to buy it and pay a lot of money, too.

What I disliked with BK and other follow ups:
They thought 3D GFX and EFX compensate for bad gameplay. They never got the the right scale. SS3 trie but was a disaster imho, SS lived off its community providing maps. So a good editor is crucial.

Get the basics right and don't try to squeeze in too much functionality.
Our resources are rather limited, we have a small team and our budget is our pocket literally =)
So we are going to implement the most essential part and then improve it after the first release - when we get some cashflow to keep up our work (for now two of us are fulltime and we have no other jobs)
Kongo-Müller hat geschrieben: 13.01.2025, 10:45 One killder feature for me in online games would be a budget system. In SS your load out aka army was defined by the mapper. Very few maps (only one?) let you chose by trigger which type of reinforcements you got. That was a little variation. Else you knew if you killed the one General or KT that there was none left. If I have a budget and can pick from a pool of units my army is unique and less predictable.
I see a lot of potential in adding various multiplayer modes, and we think it's very important
We will start with classic mode, and then add some extra with additional meta in the game so you can choose what to play

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