Panzer Strike

Now SS remake it's really close to completion! For now game engine supports everything except aviation and trains. I'm going to release it as a separate game and it's in active development now. Igor one of the RWG & FMRM authors and author of SuSt_Graph tools.
Release Date 2025 (Steam)

Moderator: KosyaK

*S-S-M* - Chef
*S-S-M* - Chef
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Panzer Strike

Beitrag von Ingwio »

What is Panzer Strike?

Panzer Strike is a project that recreates and modernizes the classic tactical real-time games, heavily inspired by Sudden Strike 1-2 and Blitzkrieg 1.

In the game you command Soviet or German forces in World War II battles.

It's powered by specialized original game engine with focus on simplicity and stability and works fine on any low performance pc or laptop.

The final game will include map editor and all the tools required to make deep modifications.
What's in the build?

We introduce techo-demo with minimal content pack to present the mood and the basics of gameplay.
There are two missions there:

Capture the flag
Skirmish (actually just demonstrates massive tank battles with no ai behaviour)

Links: ... er_Strike/
Geschichte ist die Lüge, auf die man sich geeinigt hat.
Napoleon I. Bonaparte

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Registriert: 25.03.2009, 17:15


Beitrag von KosyaK »

And some screenshots

Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 25.03.2009, 17:15

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von KosyaK »

We are very thankful for any feedback!
Beiträge: 129
Registriert: 02.07.2005, 16:19
Wohnort: Schweiz

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von Jumbo67 »

I think the graphics of the units are good (nice) and I also think the sound is good. The only thing that didn't work for me was clicking on a unit with the mouse. I had to click on a tank several times with the mouse before I could select it.
The Sudden Strike experience is definitely there though.
Can you say what kind of units are planned and what the houses and surroundings look like?
"Wer eine Schlacht gewinnen will, muss denken, dass er der Sieger ist. Man kann eine Schlacht auch verlieren, wenn man denkt, man ist der Sieger. Aber man kann nie und nimmer gewinnen, wenn man sich für einen Verlierer hält."

Roman Polanski
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 25.03.2009, 17:15

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von KosyaK »

Jumbo67 hat geschrieben: 13.11.2024, 11:33 I think the graphics of the units are good (nice) and I also think the sound is good.
Jumbo67 hat geschrieben: 13.11.2024, 11:33 The only thing that didn't work for me was clicking on a unit with the mouse. I had to click on a tank several times with the mouse before I could select it.
Yes, there was a problem with click detection - it required no mouse move between button press and released, fixed it couple days ago )
Jumbo67 hat geschrieben: 13.11.2024, 11:33 The Sudden Strike experience is definitely there though.
It's the goal!
Jumbo67 hat geschrieben: 13.11.2024, 11:33 Can you say what kind of units are planned and what the houses and surroundings look like?
In the first version there will be:
* Infantry (soldiers, officers, sappers, snipers, may be medic - depends on content production heavily)
* Guns - different AT
* Howitzers - all with direct fire option
* Trucks and artillery tractors
* Supply vehicles and boxes
* APCs
* Tanks
* Spgs

Approximately 25 types of guns and vehicles and 8 types of infantry for each side

Surroundings are in process of integration, will show them as they arrive
Beiträge: 129
Registriert: 02.07.2005, 16:19
Wohnort: Schweiz

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von Jumbo67 »

I/we are excited to see what the future holds. It's a good start.
I'm excited to see the terrain.
Are there differences in height?
Water and swamp?
And most importantly, will there be trenches? :roll:
"Wer eine Schlacht gewinnen will, muss denken, dass er der Sieger ist. Man kann eine Schlacht auch verlieren, wenn man denkt, man ist der Sieger. Aber man kann nie und nimmer gewinnen, wenn man sich für einen Verlierer hält."

Roman Polanski
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 25.03.2009, 17:15

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von KosyaK »

Jumbo67 hat geschrieben: 13.11.2024, 17:01 I/we are excited to see what the future holds. It's a good start.
I'm excited to see the terrain.
Jumbo67 hat geschrieben: 13.11.2024, 17:01 Are there differences in height?
For now we have only cliffs system as it was in SS1-2 games
Jumbo67 hat geschrieben: 13.11.2024, 17:01 Water and swamp?
Yes, there will be water and shallows
Jumbo67 hat geschrieben: 13.11.2024, 17:01 And most importantly, will there be trenches? :roll:
We are going to work on them after main enviroment pack completion
Beiträge: 129
Registriert: 02.07.2005, 16:19
Wohnort: Schweiz

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von Jumbo67 »

Can you say how big the map will be? I hope it will be bigger than Sudden Strike :)
"Wer eine Schlacht gewinnen will, muss denken, dass er der Sieger ist. Man kann eine Schlacht auch verlieren, wenn man denkt, man ist der Sieger. Aber man kann nie und nimmer gewinnen, wenn man sich für einen Verlierer hält."

Roman Polanski
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 25.03.2009, 17:15

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von KosyaK »

Jumbo67 hat geschrieben: 14.11.2024, 10:38 Can you say how big the map will be? I hope it will be bigger than Sudden Strike :)
There is no actual size limit now, it depends on hardware capabilities - larger map consume more ram and loading is longer too. The largest I'v tried was something around 1500x1500
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 25.03.2009, 17:15

Intfantry visuals

Beitrag von KosyaK »

And now we have first infantry visuals for soviet gunner!

And, please, don't forget to add the game to your Steam whishist
Beiträge: 129
Registriert: 02.07.2005, 16:19
Wohnort: Schweiz

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von Jumbo67 »

Wow, that would be almost 4x bigger than Sudden Strike :wink: .
A small comment from me, the infantry looks good. The proportions with the Panther are fine. Only the T34 looks a bit small compared to the infantry.
"Wer eine Schlacht gewinnen will, muss denken, dass er der Sieger ist. Man kann eine Schlacht auch verlieren, wenn man denkt, man ist der Sieger. Aber man kann nie und nimmer gewinnen, wenn man sich für einen Verlierer hält."

Roman Polanski
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 25.03.2009, 17:15

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von KosyaK »

Jumbo67 hat geschrieben: 15.11.2024, 09:40 Wow, that would be almost 4x bigger than Sudden Strike :wink: .
It can be even larger, i just have not tried :)

Jumbo67 hat geschrieben: 15.11.2024, 09:40 A small comment from me, the infantry looks good. The proportions with the Panther are fine. Only the T34 looks a bit small compared to the infantry.
Thanks! We try to keep SS1-2 scales, so we scaled up vehicles by 25% for modern resolutions - and infantry too, proportionally it's the same.
Also we make 3d models in real world coordinate system to keep all the scales and sizes consistent - and in this space our soldiers are 1.95m height. So they are a bit bigger than actual average man of the time, but they are not fantastic giants - i am 1.95 myself :)

P.S. sorry, i'v got a bit confused by forum interfaces and edited your post instead of replying :shock: Return it back, excuse me please :?
Beiträge: 129
Registriert: 02.07.2005, 16:19
Wohnort: Schweiz

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von Jumbo67 »

P.S. sorry, i'v got a bit confused by forum interfaces and edited your post instead of replying :shock: Return it back, excuse me please :?
no problem :lol:
"Wer eine Schlacht gewinnen will, muss denken, dass er der Sieger ist. Man kann eine Schlacht auch verlieren, wenn man denkt, man ist der Sieger. Aber man kann nie und nimmer gewinnen, wenn man sich für einen Verlierer hält."

Roman Polanski
Beiträge: 129
Registriert: 02.07.2005, 16:19
Wohnort: Schweiz

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von Jumbo67 » ... 4116045957

The infantry is hiding, will there perhaps be an option.
That the infantry can "dig in"? Something like a foxhole. That would be a useful addition for the infantry.
Or will the game be taken over 1:1 by Sudden Strike?
"Wer eine Schlacht gewinnen will, muss denken, dass er der Sieger ist. Man kann eine Schlacht auch verlieren, wenn man denkt, man ist der Sieger. Aber man kann nie und nimmer gewinnen, wenn man sich für einen Verlierer hält."

Roman Polanski
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 25.03.2009, 17:15

Re: Panzer Strike

Beitrag von KosyaK »

Jumbo67 hat geschrieben: 21.11.2024, 09:50 ... 4116045957

The infantry is hiding, will there perhaps be an option.
That the infantry can "dig in"? Something like a foxhole. That would be a useful addition for the infantry.
Or will the game be taken over 1:1 by Sudden Strike?
For now we are focused on completing the first version to have a solid gameplay to work with. So we take best Sudden Strike 1-2 mechanics with minor improvements, it's risky to make something really original on this stage

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