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RWM 8.5 Cold Eastern Front by Da RWM 8.5 Cold Eastern Front by Dark11

Map by Dark11
Winter 256x256

English Map and Mission

Cold Eastern Front

You are to take command of a backwater sector of the Eastern front during the cold winter.
Soviets are constantly probing and working on your defenses.

Once you take command as replacement for a incompetent Officer you are to reorganize defenses .
The General staff will give you orders , of which you must follow! Don't get yourself killed! You are to remediate the situation in this sector. From what seemingly is a under-manned backwater, with opposing artillery duel, will quickly becomes a focal point along the front!

Under  your command this sector must endure, and advance against all odds!

Mission and Scripting also by Dark11

Subscribe to Badger Lowe on Youtube to view him playing some of my maps!
Thanks to Badger Lowe for Streaming!
Thanks to Karim for Support!
Thanks to the RWM Team the maps i have made with their mod!
Thanks to the RWG Team for projects i have in the works with their mod!
Thanks Sudden Strike Maps de for hosting!

Let me know if there are any issues in the comments and i will try and fix them!
No Airstrips
RWM Cold Eastern Front by Dark11
Created 24-10-2023
Changed 27-10-2023
Version 8.5
Size 766.24 KB
(5 votes)
Created by Dark11
Changed by Dark11
Downloads 510
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