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Download details

Battlefield SP D Battlefield SP Demo

25% small single player pretest of bigger upcoming MP map. At this time operation battleaxe from BF1942. On Autumn scheme. In single player version the player is holding two players front line in full 4v4. Testing mission & fiction story § What IF § Something on the east went wrong, and Germans are facing allied mass assault on Siegfried defense line.Tested on custom version rules last:M2A1. https://www.sudden-strike-maps.de/index.php/download-uebersicht/download/49-liberation-mod-software/516-czech-rules-81-1
Created 06-11-2023
Changed 08-11-2023
Version 2.75 LiberationBeta6
Size 165.01 KB
(3 votes)
Created by Markis
Changed by Markis
Downloads 34
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